للمزيد من الافلام الحصريه والمجانيه ادخل على موقع سينما فور اب >> افلام اجنبى >> مسلسلات اون لاين >> مسلسلات
ايجي بست إذا كنت ترغب في مشاهدة أحدث الأفلام والمسلسلات عبر الإنترنت ، أو إذا كنت ترغب في تنزيل ومشاهدة مسلسلاتك أو أفلامك المفضلة عبر الإنترنت ، فإن ايجي بست هو الموقع المثالي لك. يحتوي ايجي بست على مكتبة متنوعة من المحتويات ، ايجي بست بما في ذلك فئات الأفلام والمسلسلات والمسلسلات الدرامية ، وكلها متاحة للتنزيل أو البث. يناسب جميع الأذواق والأعمار. . نقدم لكم موقع أفلام متكامل بهدف الاستمتاع بكل ما هو جديد في عالم السينما والتلفزيون. ايجي بست أفلام من جميع أنحاء العالم وبجميع اللغات ، مسلسلات كاملة ومترجمة بأعلى جودة ، ستجد بالتأكيد ما يعجبك من مكتبة واسعة من الاستمتاع السينمائي. أفلام عبر الإنترنت مصحوبة بترجمات من جميع أنحاء العالم تحتوي "الدار ظلامك" على العديد من أنواع الأفلام المختلفة التي يتم تحديثها بانتظام وتحتوي على المزيد منها لتصبح مكتبة متكاملة تناسب جميع الأذواق والأعمار. egybest يتضمن الموقع العديد من أنواع الأفلام المختلفة من العديد من البلدان المختلفة ، في العديد من الفئات المختلفة. ايجى بست

Default 99 ways to promot your blog, make more money

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If you’re searching for, how to increase traffic to your blog or website, then you’re at the right article!!! Here i posted more than 99 ways to gain attention to your new blog. I hope you find this article informative and useful Enjoy!

  1. Write well content
  2. Submit your to .
  3. Do Guest Posts for famous blogs like problogger.net , dailyblogtips , blogussion.com or technshare.com
  4. Interview With cool People. Many People find interesting in reading interviews of famous personalities.
  5. Write a definitive guide in series.
  6. Write a list of cool blogs in your niche.
Social Networks :

  1. Register your account on every social site.
  2. Convert blog articles to PDF files and submit them to Scribd And Don’t forget to include your Blog URL.
  3. Submit your best articles to blog carnivals.
  4. Use ping.fm and twitterfeed.com to auto post your latest blog content to a bunch of social networks.
  5. Use forums, add your blog URL to your signature and start posting intelligently.
  6. Submit your site to alltop.com.
  7. Use Yahoo Answers to promote your Blog.
  8. Create a new thread on a forum like digitalpoint.com, sitepoint.net and write up a really great guide with no self promotion (don’t forget that signature link though!).
Link Building:
  1. Exchange links with other blogs in your niche.
  2. Submit to your site to RSS Directories.
  3. Submit to your site or blog to Blog Directories.
  4. Create blog themes and give away (with a link to your blog in the footer.
  5. Create link bait
  6. Comment on DoFollow blogs
  7. Comment on .edu Websites For backlinks.
  8. Join communities at MyBlogLog.
  9. Join communities at Blog Catalog.
  10. Comment on other blogs in your niche.
  11. Tell your friends and contacts about a new blog post that may interest them
  12. Email your readers to say “thank you”.
Use Social Sites :
# Facebook :
  1. Start a facebook Page.
  2. Start a group.
  3. Create a Facebook app for your blog.
  4. Read this ebook to make your FB account awesome.
# Twitter :
  1. Put a retweet Button
  2. Tweet the links to your content at multiple times during the day.
  3. Follow Cool Peoples in your niche.
  4. Place a twitter logo on your Blog (Don’t Forget to include your twitter account URL).
# Stumbleupon
  1. Become active member on Stumbler.
  2. Place a stumbleupon button on your Blog.
  3. Use Stumble upon campaign.
Fundamentals – New Webbies :
  1. Don’t Make Posts frequently ( Post between the gap of 2 or 3 days).
  2. Be Patient. Many new Bloggers do hardwork for overnight successes, but if you look back in their archives, they’ve been creating content for a long time.
  3. Be yourself. Just be yourself, don’t pretend to be anyone you’re not, and people will love you for it. I promise.
  4. Take action every day. Just get one important thing done every day and eventually you’ll start getting traffic.
  5. Find people with blogs at a similar level to yours and help each other out.
  6. Be consistent. You don’t need to blog every day but try to stick to at least some sort of schedule.
  7. Make your Blog easy to navigate.
  8. Think Different , Do Different – Write what other Bloggers missed to write.
  9. Avoid too many outbound external links.
  10. Make your Text font attractive and readable.
  11. Learn about your Competitor Blogs and Improve yourself.
  12. Start a Post Series (which contain at least 5 or more posts).
  13. Help & Guide other Blogs in your niche.
  14. Don’t do copy of other Blogs. Do something unique.
  15. Use Post excerpt in your homepage other than displaying whole post content
Do something for other Blogs :
  1. Become the first one to comment on others Blog in your niche.
  2. Use Google – Blogsearch to find new and fresh blog Posts and do comments.
  3. Do Guest posts on large blog like problogger.net, copyblogger.com, dailyblogtips, johnchow.com .
  4. Make friendship with other Blogs in your niche.
  5. Start Helping other Blogs in your niche.
Do Paid Advertising :
  1. Google Adwords Everyone know about it.
  2. Use Stumbleupon Ads.
  3. Do some Press Releases.
  4. Get Reviewed.

  1. Write well content
  2. Submit your to .
  3. Do Guest Posts for famous blogs like problogger.net , dailyblogtips , blogussion.com or technshare.com
  4. Interview With cool People. Many People find interesting in reading interviews of famous personalities.
  5. Write a definitive guide in series.
  6. Write a list of cool blogs in your niche.
Social Networks :

  1. Register your account on every social site.
  2. Convert blog articles to PDF files and submit them to Scribd And Don’t forget to include your Blog URL.
  3. Submit your best articles to blog carnivals.
  4. Use ping.fm and twitterfeed.com to auto post your latest blog content to a bunch of social networks.
  5. Use forums, add your blog URL to your signature and start posting intelligently.
  6. Submit your site to alltop.com.
  7. Use Yahoo Answers to promote your Blog.
  8. Create a new thread on a forum like digitalpoint.com, sitepoint.net and write up a really great guide with no self promotion (don’t forget that signature link though!).
Link Building:
  1. Exchange links with other blogs in your niche.
  2. Submit to your site to RSS Directories.
  3. Submit to your site or blog to Blog Directories.
  4. Create blog themes and give away (with a link to your blog in the footer.
  5. Create link bait
  6. Comment on DoFollow blogs
  7. Comment on .edu Websites For backlinks.
  8. Join communities at MyBlogLog.
  9. Join communities at Blog Catalog.
  10. Comment on other blogs in your niche.
  11. Tell your friends and contacts about a new blog post that may interest them
  12. Email your readers to say “thank you”.
Use Social Sites :
# Facebook :
  1. Start a facebook Page.
  2. Start a group.
  3. Create a Facebook app for your blog.
  4. Read this ebook to make your FB account awesome.
# Twitter :
  1. Put a retweet Button
  2. Tweet the links to your content at multiple times during the day.
  3. Follow Cool Peoples in your niche.
  4. Place a twitter logo on your Blog (Don’t Forget to include your twitter account URL).
# Stumbleupon
  1. Become active member on Stumbler.
  2. Place a stumbleupon button on your Blog.
  3. Use Stumble upon campaign.
Fundamentals – New Webbies :
  1. Don’t Make Posts frequently ( Post between the gap of 2 or 3 days).
  2. Be Patient. Many new Bloggers do hardwork for overnight successes, but if you look back in their archives, they’ve been creating content for a long time.
  3. Be yourself. Just be yourself, don’t pretend to be anyone you’re not, and people will love you for it. I promise.
  4. Take action every day. Just get one important thing done every day and eventually you’ll start getting traffic.
  5. Find people with blogs at a similar level to yours and help each other out.
  6. Be consistent. You don’t need to blog every day but try to stick to at least some sort of schedule.
  7. Make your Blog easy to navigate.
  8. Think Different , Do Different – Write what other Bloggers missed to write.
  9. Avoid too many outbound external links.
  10. Make your Text font attractive and readable.
  11. Learn about your Competitor Blogs and Improve yourself.
  12. Start a Post Series (which contain at least 5 or more posts).
  13. Help & Guide other Blogs in your niche.
  14. Don’t do copy of other Blogs. Do something unique.
  15. Use Post excerpt in your homepage other than displaying whole post content
Do something for other Blogs :
  1. Become the first one to comment on others Blog in your niche.
  2. Use Google – Blogsearch to find new and fresh blog Posts and do comments.
  3. Do Guest posts on large blog like problogger.net, copyblogger.com, dailyblogtips, johnchow.com .
  4. Make friendship with other Blogs in your niche.
  5. Start Helping other Blogs in your niche.
Do Paid Advertising :
  1. Google Adwords Everyone know about it.
  2. Use Stumbleupon Ads.
  3. Do some Press Releases.
  4. Get Reviewed.