Money.AdSense.Profit .google
Asking me how to activate many of their AdSense account because of the problem of access Albin Code on the date fixed, leading to the delay in dispatching their entitlements, suspended until the introduction of naked Code
What is the pin code?
Is a confidential number for each account from the accounts of AdSense company Google send mail to the home of each person involved in service ads AdSense to make sure that sending checks to the house safe, with no problems, but with the development and the opening of several ways to access the benefits the company Google to accept several methods again to activate the account by receiving an AdSense code obvious and perhaps most important is to send a picture card to email technical support to them as we will explain now
Tip: After activating my account through this process in three months, I received Albin code to my door
How to activate the AdSense account without pin code?
The best way experienced myself in this matter is as follows: -
1 - Capture images from your personal, whatever your country and whatever the language was not dispersed and then you write an email to technical support Google workers AdSense express to them that you did not receive the obvious code to your and still your earnings are outstanding because of this and you wish to activate your account and tell them that you are included in this message copy of your ID to prove that the address where the joint in the AdSense is the same as the address on the card and want them to do to activate your account rather than waiting for obvious code!
Tips: You must visualize your card and show the four corners in full and without playing in the picture either photoshop or other
The headline should be common in the AdSense is identical with that in the card activation until
Now you are two things you to send this message
Either send an email in Arabic to the Arab private technical support is AdSense Google workers
Or send language English as I did for the technical support email This email address is foreign
When you apply this way has been activated in my account within two days exactly
Send them an email with a copy to your email technical support to the AdSense day before yesterday (two days)
We will send you a letter that is content: -

They have to activate your account without the code or other
This is the best way for beginners who have not received pin code
All you have to do to send email from your hotmail account in the joint AdSense
And send an email to:
And write it
Write two sentences in English or write like that
And also write the ID number of a publisher does not forget this?
Then place the picture for your card in the same e-mail
And wait a couple of days to 7 days
Asking me how to activate many of their AdSense account because of the problem of access Albin Code on the date fixed, leading to the delay in dispatching their entitlements, suspended until the introduction of naked Code
What is the pin code?
Is a confidential number for each account from the accounts of AdSense company Google send mail to the home of each person involved in service ads AdSense to make sure that sending checks to the house safe, with no problems, but with the development and the opening of several ways to access the benefits the company Google to accept several methods again to activate the account by receiving an AdSense code obvious and perhaps most important is to send a picture card to email technical support to them as we will explain now
Tip: After activating my account through this process in three months, I received Albin code to my door
How to activate the AdSense account without pin code?
The best way experienced myself in this matter is as follows: -
1 - Capture images from your personal, whatever your country and whatever the language was not dispersed and then you write an email to technical support Google workers AdSense express to them that you did not receive the obvious code to your and still your earnings are outstanding because of this and you wish to activate your account and tell them that you are included in this message copy of your ID to prove that the address where the joint in the AdSense is the same as the address on the card and want them to do to activate your account rather than waiting for obvious code!
Tips: You must visualize your card and show the four corners in full and without playing in the picture either photoshop or other
The headline should be common in the AdSense is identical with that in the card activation until
Now you are two things you to send this message
Either send an email in Arabic to the Arab private technical support is AdSense Google workers
Or send language English as I did for the technical support email This email address is foreign
When you apply this way has been activated in my account within two days exactly
Send them an email with a copy to your email technical support to the AdSense day before yesterday (two days)
We will send you a letter that is content: -

They have to activate your account without the code or other
This is the best way for beginners who have not received pin code
All you have to do to send email from your hotmail account in the joint AdSense
And send an email to:
And write it
Write two sentences in English or write like that
HTML Code:
Hi Team
I am sending this email because i didn't receive my pin code yet
And i assumed that because my country mail is not good
so i am sending my ID copy to apply my address in my adsense account and my ID
Thank you very much
Then place the picture for your card in the same e-mail
And wait a couple of days to 7 days